Monday, January 19, 2009

Kat Corrigan

Kat's website

Kat's Artist Statement:

I am very interested in contrast lately, and in the difficulty of painting the spaces between spaces. My paintings are a means of communication, my attempts at revealing my view of the world to other people so there can be a measure of understanding between us. There is a clear truth in animals that I have always preferred over human conversation. I can often be naive about social structures, preferring the clear and open dialogue to the confusion and doublespeak of most media transmissions.
I love painting the edges of things- trees, telephone poles, dog's back legs.... I use these every day visuals as my means of expression. My paintings are very sculptural; I am using color more boldly and am able to define something in the forms that I struggled with in the past. I greatly enjoy the intensity of the colors set against the black canvas, the vibrancy of the common-place.

Contact Kat at

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